The Arts

Industry development unit of Arts Tasmania (State Government). Funding, art purchase scheme, professional development.
Kickstart Arts
Community Cultural Development company working in cross-sectoral partnerships to produce inclusive, innovative multi-arts projects with communities.

Wide Angle Tasmania
A not-for-profit organisation that nurtures local talent by providing advice, training, access to film production equipment and production initiatives.
Screen Tasmania
State Government agency responsible for supporting and developing the State’s film, television and multimedia industries.
Economics and Innovation

Department of Economic Development Tourism and the Arts
State Government industry development agency.
Australian Innovation Research Centre
Researches key issues in innovation performance and economic development.

PROUT globe
PROUT is the Progressive Utilization Theory, formulated by P.R. Sarkar. PROUT promotes grassroots-based economic democracy focusing on local planning sustained by a democratic world government.
The Prout Institute
The PROUT Institute works to develop and promote progressive theories, policies, and practices that empower citizens and communities to envision and implement sustainable and equitable solutions to social, economic, and ecological problems–and realize their potentialities in the process.
Prout Institute of Venezuala
The Mission of the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela is to empower all people to improve their quality of life and live in a more just society by fostering the development of worker cooperatives, self-reliant communities, environmental protection, universal ethics and spiritual values.
The wealth
Sustainable prosperity for everyone is not possible without some rational and ethical limits on wealth accumulation.
New Economics Foundation
The new economics foundation is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being.
The Equality Trust
The Equality Trust is an independent, evidence based campaign working to reduce income inequality in order to improve the quality of life in the UK.
One Society
One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those at the bottom, but right the way up. Small increases in equality have the potential to yield significant benefits for society.
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) study is a major international initiative to draw attention to the global economic benefits of biodiversity, to highlight the growing costs of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, and to draw together expertise from the fields of science, economics and policy to enable practical actions moving forward.
Netzkraft movement
International network of people and groups committed to peace, human rights and environment, sustainable ecological-social economic development and decentralization of political power.
The Environment

Environment Tasmania
Environment Tasmania is a not-for-profit conservation council dedicated to the protection, conservation and rehabilitation of Tasmania’s natural environment.
Florentine Protection Society
Apolitical, not-for-profit community organisation with the main purpose of preserving Tasmania’s ancient forests, including the forests of the Upper Florentine Valley.
Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies
An award winning, not-for-profit, sustainability centre located on 4.5 hectares on the Merri Creek in East Brunswick, Melbourne.
Climate Change

Climate Tasmania Blog
Peter Boyer’s blog about global climate as seen from Tasmania.
Climate Action Hobart
Climate Action Hobart is a volunteer, grassroots climate action group formed to promote community involvement in achieving strong climate policy and action in Tasmania.
Building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis through online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions in over 188 countries.
Tasmanian Climate Change Office
Leads the Government’s efforts to respond to the challenges of climate change in Tasmania.
The Climate Reality Project
Founded and chaired by Al Gore, the Climate Reality Project is bringing the facts about the climate crisis into the mainstream and engaging the public in conversation about how to solve it.

Transition Tasmania blog and group
Join fellow Tasmanians looking Peak Oil and Climate Change squarely in the face and taking positive, practical actions to ensure we prosper into the low energy future.
Sustainable Living Tasmania
Community resource and education centre working to provide a direct, local, realistic and accessible contribution to the protection and restoration of the natural environment, and the development of homes and cities for a sustainable future.

Ocean Planet Tasmania
Committed to sustainable future for Tasmania’s marine environment.
Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre
Education for students.
Food & Agriculture

Food Connections Tasmania
Food Connections Tasmania (FCT) is a regional initiative that aims to further promote, enhance and connect the Tasmanian agri-business sector.
Eat Well Tasmania
A State-wide program that provides support and assistance for activities or projects that promote enjoyable healthy eating.
Australian Farmers Market Association
Discover all you need to know about farmers’ markets across Australia.

Generation One
The goal of Generation One is to bring all Australians together to end the disparity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous in one generation: Our generation. This is achieved through education, training, mentoring and employment.
The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) is the world’s premier institution for information and research about the cultures and lifestyles of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, past and present.
The Center for World Indigenous Studies
CWIS is an independent, non-profit research and education organisation dedicated to wider understanding and appreciation of the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and the social, economic and political realities of indigenous nations.